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Boarding Form & Waiver

Notice to the pet owner/guardian: please read carefully and do not sign this agreement unless you have read it in its entirety and understand its effect, policies, procedures, pet release, waiver of liability, assumption of risk, and indemnification agreements. This waiver is legally binding once filled out and submitted to Happy Paws.

I understand that drop-off and pick-up times must be PRE-ARRANGED so Happy Paws can schedule their day accordingly and be ready for your arrival.
Would you like daily communication/updates about your dog while you're away?
Dog's sex
Is your dog spayed or neutered?
Is your dog microchipped?
I understand that Happy Paws requires vet documentation (Bordetella, distemper, parvovirus and rabies), and my dog is taking routine preventative treatments for fleas and ticks. We do accept Titer tests.
Any restricted exercises by veterinarian?
Any limited or impaired sensory functions? (deaf/blind):
If your pet becomes injured or ill, Happy Paws is hereby authorized to take your pet to the nearest animal care facility and such expense shall be paid by the owner of the pet.
Dog's diet is
Do you allow your dog on furniture (couch)?
Do your dog have a heel command (walking beside you)?
What side does your dog walk/heel on?
Not applicable
Are you comfortable with your dog playing with other dogs? *IF there is a suitable playmate.
Is your dog crate trained?
I confirm that my pet has not had any contagious illnesses of any kind for 30 days prior to the start of service date.
I acknowledge and am aware that vaccines do not protect against all contagious illnesses that may affect my pet.
I agree that if my pet is transported by Happy Paws that I agree that I am fully responsible in the event of injury or accident during transportation.
I agree to be solely financially responsible for any and all acts or behavior of my pet while in the care of Happy Paws, which may include payment of damages for the injury caused by my pet to other animals, humans, and/or Happy Paws.
I agree to allow Happy Paws to use my pet’s name and any images or videos taken while he/she is in the care of Happy Paws, in any form or format, for use, at any time, in any media, marketing, advertising, illustration, trade or promotional materials.
I understand that allowing my dog to participate in activities at Happy Paws is not without risk to my dog, and I accept and agree to be fully responsible for the consequences of assuming such risks.
I certify that my dog is not aggressive. If my dog acts aggressively or exhibits unacceptable behavior, I authorize Happy Paws to use any means necessary to control the dog.
Deopsit: I understand that a 25% deposit of all service fees are required to hold my boarding spot.
Payment: I understand that payment in full must be sent the day BEFORE we board our dog. Accepted payments are credit card or EMT.
Cancellations: I understand that all confirmed services must be cancelled at least 3 weeks prior to my booked date. I further understand that a cancellation made within 3 weeks will result in forfeiting my deposit.
I hereby release Happy Paws from any liability for injuries, illness or damage results from the actions of my dog. I assume full financial responsibility for any and all expenses involved.
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